I came across this powerful quote from John Stumpf, an American businessman, that puts where we are in perspective…

“I never set out to be CEO. I always set out to be a good team member, a good colleague.”

Maybe some of us are not currently or won’t be a CEO of a company, the star player on a team, or a senior minister of a church. But we can all be team players, contributing what we do well for the benefit of the whole team and the ministry. When we work together, we can accomplish more than if we worked separately. Being part of a team will lift you higher in life than you could go by yourself, and accomplish far more than what you could do alone!

Team members are not all the same. You may have different skill sets and knowledge that others may not have, but remember, someone else has skills and knowledge that you don’t have. Enjoy what you can do, and also rejoice in what everyone can do together as a team!

Remember, together with God we can accomplish what man thought is impossible. Amen!

Luke 18:27 (NKJV) But He said, “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”

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